Mindful and Conscious Eating Program

Take your Power back from emotional eating

Gagan fitness is internationally acclaimed for our one-of-a-kind professional trainings and now we have a new transformational program for anyone looking for a breakthrough with food, body, and health. To gain complete freedom from a negative relationship between food and our body, we need to change what’s in our minds, not what’s on our plates. This program is built around evidence-based mindfulness and nutrition.

It’s time to reclaim the healthy relationship with food you were born with.

What Is Mindful eating?

Mindful eating is not about good or bad foods. Instead, mindful eating is about developing awareness of our experiences with food and sensing our physical cues of hunger and satisfaction and being able to respond in a loving and compassionate way to our body’s signals. Mindful eating is shifting from being controlled by food to being at ease with our choices and with eating. Mindful eating is a way of living intentionally. We need to understand our underlying motivation for eating in order to develop mindfulness. To develop a deeper sense of mindfulness it’s very helpful to have an understanding of our underlying motivation for eating.

What You Will Get

1: 1 personal session with Dt Mahima Khanna

1 hr personal session where Dt Mahima Khanna will guide you . We discuss challenges you’re going through, build emotional awareness, and create more behavioural flexibility to break out diet-binge-guilt cycles. Get coaching on food, body image, self-trust, stepping into the possibilities , opportunities and the Miracle being you will become.

Personalised Guidance

Receive my personalized guidance on your specific challenges — even if what you’re struggling with has nothing to do with the theme we’re exploring that month. Leave each call empowered with action items to practice so you can start making consistent progress and deepen your trust in yourself, between sessions. Tools and Techniques for working with emotional eating. Simple strategies for natural Hunger regulation.Hidden Reasons to weight gain

Guided Body Scan and Body Kindness Meditations

Practising Body Kindness with Loving-Kindness Meditation and Body Scan Meditation practice. Guided meditations will help you to reconnect with your body. It helps you to Gain Body awareness and acknowledgement.

Trainings & workbooks

Move forward at your own pace with exclusive audio trainings, interactive workshops with Guests — all created by Mahima, for you — that will improve your relationships with food, your body and your own personal self-trust. 

Attitude adjustments to get results

Dt Mahima workwith various therapies such as – Neuro – linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mind Body Nutrition techniques that fuel digestion and Nervous system balancing techniques,

Changing your language to change your body

Whatever we tell ourselves, mind absorbs and accepts. We are what we say to ourselves and believe. You will be guided how to use positive words and mindset to rewire your subconscious mind and create a new reality which will transform your body 

Breaking Patterns and Ending cravings

Dt Mahima will guide through the way of breaking patterns that you picked through your life in relation to overeating, binging or cravings. Tools are designed specifically to break this pattern will be given to  you. 

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How to get what you want

Understanding emotions, thoughts and feelings.  How to overcome emotional eating and learning techniques to cope with emotional imbalance

Visualizations to keep you thin and healthy

Learning personalized visualizations techniques to get your dream body. How does it work? Thinking positive about weight reduction can activate particular neurons in the brain. These neurons activate hormones such as endogenous opiates which makes us feel good about ourselves and allow us to stop comfort eating.

Keep it off Forever

Simple steps, massive results. Mindful practices, maintenance meal plans, Personalised meditations and new attained habits  will keep off the weight forever. Once you shift your identity and work at core level, you will never gain weight or have health issues.

Once you master this technique, this lifestyle shift is freely yours.


The first step is to uncover and understand the beliefs and emotions you attach to food.


The second step is to replace them with powerful mental frameworks that help you develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Meet Your Coach

Dietitian Mahima Khanna Kaur- Clinical Dietitian, Food Psychologist, and Wellness Expert

Over the past 14 years, I have worked with thousands of people across all walks of life to help them gain freedom from overeating and live the life they DESERVE.
I’ve helped people trapped in the depths of stress, depression and addiction rise above their environment and self-sabotage to create their dream lives. 

One of the most common issues people face is an emotional connection to food. One that drives them to binge on unhealthy foods when they are stressed, upset, angry, tired, or even bored. For this reason, I decided to create this Exclusive program to help everyone clear their limiting beliefs and finally experience the freedom from cravings and unhealthy eating habits that I have achieved for my clients.

Why Work with Me?

I am a Clinical Dietitian with a Master’s degree in Food Science & Nutrition and Diploma in Food Psychology, but my work is about SO MUCH MORE THAN MEAL PLANS.

When you work with me, you get guidance on not only what to eat but also How to Eat, guidance around areas in which you feel stuck emotionally or physically which may be creating imbalance in your body, causing illness, weight concerns, nutrient deficiencies –  we will explore together.

We will work together to optimize the function of all organ systems through nutrition, which will help you feel healthier….and an added bonus – Greater self confidence, ability to manage stress and Enjoy blissful life.

When I talk to women about their bodies I hear over and over how they often feel like failures when they can’t get the results they want… even though they’ve read the books,  gone to all dietitians, tried all kind of diets and fasting .

Their life doesn’t improve, so, of course, they lose faith in the entire Diet process and think there is something wrong with them!

I dive deep into neuroscience (which no other programs do). I teach you how to regulate your emotions with cutting-edge tools.

I work WITH your brain instead of against it.

This allows you to wire yourself for success with food and body, rather than keep dreaming about it.

My approach draws from my training and experience in nutrition and the mind-body connection (including mindfulness), life coaching, and whole-person health.

Who is this for?

           People who:

  • Want to lose weight, and maintain ideal body weight with ease.
  • Exercise but struggle with their nutrition and do not see the weight loss results they want
  • Are tired of yo-yo dieting but want to maintain their lifestyle
  • Want an easy-to-follow way to lose weight without strict rules, like cutting food groups, counting calories, or eating small portions
  • Cannot exercise due to injury/illness but want to lose (or maintain) weight through better eating habits
    Want to feel healthier, more energized, and ready to face life with new confidence
  • Have experienced emotional eating and want to be free from obsessing about food and feeling overwhelmed by food choices
  • No more deprivation, no more cravings, no more comfort food.